Sunday, 18 December 2016


Health they say is wealth. These are preventive measures of some ailments:
NATURAL ANTIBIOTIC: Slice and boil 4 limes, 1 fresh ginger and  1 fresh garlic with four liter of clean water for 15minutes and be taking one glass cup morning and night.
WATERY AND LOW SPERM COUNT: Soak  Fresh Jute (Ewedu) with the pilled root of Cissus populnea (egbo ogbolo tutu) root cut into pieces inside a clean water for 24 hrs and be taking 2 glass cups per day for two(2) weeks.
WEAK ERECTION: Ground 4 unripe plantains and sesamum radiatum (ekuku) together and be using its powder to drink hot tea or pap without sugar.
BRIGHT MEMORY: Blend or grind cooked wall nut (Asala sise) with 1 bell pepper (ata tatase) mix it with honey and be licking it from time to time.
SIGHT OR EYE PROBLEM: Blend or grind Carrots, Locust beans(Iru wooro), chill Pepper( ata ijosi) and Onion together prepare it as pepper soup with fish and be leaking it at night.
EAR PROBLEM: Blend or grind mushroom and mix it with palm kernel oil ( adi eyan). Apply to the ear with wool.
ASHMA SOUP: Blend four spoons of palm oil, small Shea butter, poison bulb, sea salt and dry fish together cook it and be taking one spoon in the morning and night for 7 days.
MEDICINE OF PLANCENTA DRYER (AGBO AYO IBI): Cook fresh mango leaves with Ethiopian pepper (eru awonka siri kan) as the tea and be drinking it with honey. One glass cup per day is okay.
IRREGULAR MENSTRUATION (AMENORRHOEA): Dragon blood Bark (EPO Awuje)s, Fresh Ginger, Fresh Garlic, Lime and Yarrow leave. Cook them and be drinking one glass cup twice daily.
DIARRHOREA: Cook plenty carrot with clean water and be drinking its water.
WEIGHT LOSS: Be drinking two cups of hot water mix with lime and honey daily.
VIRGINAL DISCHARGE (EDA OJU ARA): Cook lime (osan wewe), fresh ginger ( Atale tutu) , garlic and basil(ewe efinrin) with clean water, be drinking two(2) cups twice daily.
FRUIT OF WOMB: Three days after your menstrual circle be eating one pear per day for 21 days.
CHILDREN CONVULSION: Soak fresh tobacco leaves, cow bile and onion with (alubosa elewe) leave inside clean water for 21 days and he or she should be taking one baby’s spoonful per day.
HYNEA (IPAKE): Soak grounded fresh pawpaw and mango leaves inside palm wine for two (2) days and be taking half glass cup twice a day.
BACK PAIN: Mix Grind Chill pepper ( ata ijosi) with any white cream, be using it to rub your back.
HIGH BLOOD PRESSURE: Be eating moringa with two cups of clean water before sleeping. 
INSOMANIA (AIRI ORUN SUN): Squeeze Bitter leaves with four liters of water mix it with 6 spoons of honey, be drinking one full glass cup at night.
SKIN AND MOUTH ODOUR: Blend fresh ginger, garlic and water lemon together chill with cold water, be drinking two cups daily.
TYPHOID: Cook 4 limes, yarrow leaf (ewe dongoyaro), bitter gourd, lemon grass and fresh one ginger, be drinking one cup in the morning and 1 cup at night.

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